Elementary school

supporting modern learning environments

plan b design deliver furniture and interior solutions, supporting modern learning environments in primary and lower secondary school.
The activity based learning environments are divided into different learning landscapes: Mountain Top, Hands-on, The Cave, Campfire, Watering Hole, and the Movement.

Mountain top

The Mountain Top design principle and learning situation establishes a space for individuals to address a group and let thoughts, views, and knowledge flow from one to many.
The speaker stands in front of the audience, sitting on the “mountain” for example stairs, chairs, tables

The Cave

The cave is spaces for individual reflection, focus and concentration.
Spaces are small, and defined for one or two students providing them with a personal space away from activity areas

Hands on - the lab

Hands on, the laboratory where the link between theory and practice is developed. This could for example be maker spaces, production spaces,

The Campfire

Spaces for interaction, communication and cooperation.
A space for group-bases learning situations. Where students can train their collaborative skills.
For example group tables or small group areas.

The Watering Hole

Spaces for interaction between students across of different ages. Spaces with many passers-through. A space for relaxing, space for eating, space for meeting. an example could be canteen areas, lounge areas - Third spaces.


spaces and elements initiating and supporting physical activities